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ACC Headquarters


CLIENT:                    ACC 
TYPE:                        COMMERCIAL ARCHITECTURE
AREA:                        2,00,000 ft²

YEAR:                        2016
STATUS:                   UNBUILT

This proposal was made for ACC, when the client ask was A new landmark for the city of eastern Mumbai . The nine-storey ACC office building was planned when the client was planning to merge its horizontally laid offices in the existing complex & the other operations laid across the city to one place. 
The ACC building actually functions as a hinge between the dynamics exhibited by the flyover on one side ,the LBS MARG ON ANOTHER , and the tranquility offered by the road leading towards Thane station. 

Z-shaped, opposing mirrored ‘bars’ of offices form the core element of the building, three to four-storey air spaces come about in the courtyard areas. Four sky courts and two four-stored lobbies form lively ‘display windows’ planted with greenery, and are perceived as appealing eye-catchers not only by day and by night: they equally create a pleasant atmosphere for the employees working in the building. The complex is enclosed by a glass shell for reasons dealing with climate control and protection against noise. The office areas lie either near one of the courts or adjoin the outer double-skin façade. This enables the rooms to be naturally ventilated to a large extent, which was planned to enable lower the cost of HVAC making it sustainable, energy efficient & climatically responsible building.
The structure is mirrored on every fourth floor within the building’s triangular contour. This creates grand interiors, exposes the building’s depths to light, and opens up a window to the CITY on every side.

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